11 January 2007

Do I Seem Alright To You?

Pam the Sonographer and I both knew that everything wasn’t alright despite my whimper to the contrary. It’s hard to pretend your fine when your whole body is shaking violently. I think Pam realised she had a ‘special’ patient on her hands as she caught my thigh in a vice like grip in an attempt to steady her camera which was wobbling around like a trifle, making her examination a delightful challenge.

As I lay there, holding my breath, I tried not to think about whether she’d just discovered an abnormality by redesigning the poster above my head. Ditch the medical diagrams, replace with some text along the lines of, “There’s nothing wrong with you – you’re just peachy”. There, much more comforting. If Pam remained silent for more than 30 seconds, I would thoughtfully enquire as to whether everything was still normal since my last enquiry, 30 seconds before. Pam was sweet considering the ‘Neurotic Vibrating Patient From Hell’ was making her wish she'd taken the day off.

A less than humourous start to the day degenerated further as there was four hours worth of cleaning with my name on it. I found a box full of toys under the sofa though which was a plus.

I then sat down to write my blog. 94 keys on the keyboard and Chickie goes straight to the ‘off’ button. It took half an hour to log back on again as the laptop is old and tired, much like me today. Chickie grinned back at me as I told him I was adding 'Laptop Tampering' to his list of 'Unacceptable Behaviour'.

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