Wet Winciette
I am so clumsy that the Accountant calls me Calamity Liz. Some days are like a scene from Home Alone. That bit where the burglars burn their hand on the door handle, get an iron slammed into their face, skate over the marbles on the floor, fall down a flight of stairs and kasplat at the bottom! I injure myself on a regular basis as I attempt to do everything too quickly and always have a vast selection of bruises in a whole range of colours . In my efforts to get onto my sofa to watch Trinny and Susannah (it's scummy mummy to yummy mummy makeover night and I need to pay close attention!), I managed to drop my spoon on the floor, which was covered with chocolate mousse, which then splatted all over the rug so I ended up tending a lovely poo coloured stain and trying to watch my programme at the same time. Rats.
Spoke to sister, who had just been pelted with a wet sponge by her fun-loving angels who had snuck out of their bath especially! She was trying her best to be relaxed and fun-loving about it all but deep down was a bit miffed the snuggy cosiness of her winciette pyjamas had been compromised. The hairdryer came on during our conversation as she attempted to dry them off! Sister has also commented that she wants a nickname as she thinks that "The Sister" is boring and doesn't do her sparkling personality justice. She reminded me that she is the star of the show and without her, I'd have nothing to talk about.
Chickie and I went into town today to meet my friend who I had lost contact with (see humble pie in previous post). Anyway, I was slightly apprehensive as I hadn't seen her for such a long time but we both said sorry and that was that. We spent two hours catching up on each other's lives and I'm really glad that we're in contact again.
On the way back, played Peekaboo with Chickie through the "Jackflap" (a transparent panel where I can see into his pram whilst pushing him). As I wasn't watching where I was going, I pushed the pram straight into the curb and gave us both whiplash. Very embarassing! I do it all the time though, as after a year, I still can't seem to get all 4 wheels going in the same direction at the same time.
Chickie and Poff had a date this afternoon and had a lovely time. Chickie particularly enjoyed throwing balls at Poff's head and watching them bounce off. Poff had to stop play time for a few minutes to take a very important phonecall. Playtime then resumed and Lucy Wucy was especially pleased to discover the contents of her nappy bag all over the floor.
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