Spandex Pyjamas
All is not well. Chickie has been vile this afternoon. He is still holding his poo in. He was screaming earlier and I thought he just didn't want his nap but he was actually having one of his mega poos where a week's worth comes out in one sitting. Poor Chickie. I only realised when I walked into his room to check him, and it smelt less than minty fresh. I then attempted again to put him down for his nap and he just screamed and screamed. 10 minutes worth of cuddling later and his little eyes were closed so went to put him in his cot - WWWAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Another 10 minutes cuddling, put down in cot, WWAHHHHHHHHHH so ended up leaving him to WWWWWWAAAAHHH and it did go quiet after a few minutes. Foolishly, I thought I would just go up and check he was okay. He was asleep - hooray. His blanket had come off though so I stood at the door weighing up how bad a mummy I would be if I left his little legs exposed to the elements. I decided I better put the blankie over him and tiptoed in. Unfortunately, I'm as soft footed as a baby hippo, so didn't get further than half a metre before - WWWAAAAHHHHHH! He's now sat on my lap deleting this post as fast as I can write it. The prospect of a tired Chickie for the next 3 hours is not filling me with joy.
After yesterday's post, I have to issue a retraction. My sister would like it noted that her pyjamas are actually NOT winciette and that I was embellishing a little. They are actually spandex! Okay, not really, but she assures me they are really very stylish pyjamas.
Sister is very excited as she is at the start of her dream day. A dream day being one where the kids don't require collection until 4.50pm, giving her a whole day of "her" time. She has sent both boys to the cinema. The youngest was eager to go and see "The Shaggy Dog" but the eldest was less than pleased as it was the film club for the younger kids and none of his friends were going because they were going to the cool film for children their own age but at a time which didn't suit my sister. She tried the encouragement route, showing him clips of the film and enthusiastically pointing out how "absolutely brilliant" it looked! He remained unconvinced. Sister could feel her dream slipping away. Luckily, there was bribery and exploitation to fall back on. Her eldest has a computer game addiction, one which they're trying to manage by only allowing him to play his games 3 days a week. Do you know what sister did to secure herself a day of peace? She negotiated the following deal: one night at the cinema for one extra night on the computer. Naughty, naughty sister... what would SuperNanny have to say about that?
Went to a free business seminar today at the Library with LucyWucy as we have a dream of opening a cafe. We learnt that 50% of all businesses fail within the first 3 years so that was encouraging!
Glam-Nan and Snowy had Chickie and took him for a stroll into town. We then had a nice cuppa together after and then Chickie spilt the entire cup all over the rug so I spent half an hour dabbing the stain (seems to be a daily occurrence doesn't it!). Whilst I dealt with the rug, Snowy was ordered to take a now wailing Chickie for a nappy change and nap. I fully trained Snowy when Chickie was weeny (not that Chickie was ever weeny to be fair. He nearly killed me when he tried to make his big entrance weighing in at 10lb 1.5oz) to ensure he was useful in situations such as this. It paid off!
I'm going to have to go now as Chickie-No-Nap is doing my head in. Every little thing is sending him into meltdown. He can now climb on the sofa which in turn means he climbs on the laptop! Here he comes..
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