16 November 2006

Glam-Nan and Anusol Man

This is what I'm dealing with every day. As soon as his bum hits the highchair he's off. Chickie's still not eating properly and doesn't really drink either. I'm having to give him water off a spoon which he laps at like a furry pet as it's the only way he'll drink anything. It's taking a long time.

I have, however, devised a cunning plan, it's bordering on genius actually. Glam-Nan and Snowy usually drop round a couple of times a week, usually around lunchtime. I've noticed they've been coming round later which I suspect is to make sure they miss the Chickie lunchtime fandango. Well, not today and not yesterday either. I've moved Chickie's lunch just that little bit later to make it unavoidable! I must point out, when you're feeding a non-eating, spoon slapping child, everyone watching you, whoever they are, secretly thinks that they will be able to get the child to eat. Glam-Nan is no exception so I knew she would be unable to resist taking over. I was right!

Further desecration has occurred to my home today. In addition to the bouncy castle in my dining room, a playpen full of hideously coloured toys that clash with my lovingly chosen New England colour scheme and the big metal fireguard that's big enough to house a family of chimps, we now have a stairgate where my panelled glass door used to be. Snowy had to put it up as Accountant is incapable of doing anything of a practical nature. He's blessed with brains but not common sense. I did actually check his University certificates as I found it inconceivable, based on his performance of everyday tasks, that he really had a degree. Love you sweetheart if you're reading this and you've def. improved recently. xxxx.

I've now started interviewing my family rather than having conversations with them and have been fishing for funny stories today. This is a beauty.

A bit of background to set the scene. Glam-Nan sometimes doesn't grasp things for a few minutes and then the penny drops. Sometimes she get her words in a bit of a muddle e.g. "volumptuous" instead of "voluptuous". Names can be tricky too, especially if they're unusual. Celine Dion becomes Colleen Zeon, that sort of thing.

She's also very kind and helps out lots of people. On this occasion, she was helping an old boy in the village out with some shopping. He required the usual bits and pieces and also, something of a more personal nature. It involved a trip to the chemist for Glam-Nan who was quite embarrassed about this particular purchase at her very local pharmacy. She waited for the shop to empty and approached the lady behind the counter. "I'd like some Anusol please" she whispered to the poker-faced assistant. "What size would you like?" came the reply. This threw her completely as she hadn't expected the question. She stopped to think for a moment before saying "Oh, I don't know what size he is". The assistant tried her best to remain professional whilst explaining to my mother that she wasn't asking what size "he" was but what size pack she wanted.

Other news, Sarah (ex-flat mate) has informed me that her and Annabelly wear winciette pyjamas and there's no shame in it!

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