I'm a Housewife, Get Me Out of Here!
I hate getting up, always have. I confess that I have been known to lie in bed in the mornings with all the pillows and duvet over my head, my fingers shoved in my ears so far they meet in the middle in a bid to block out the wails of my child so I can have an extra 5 minutes in bed. This morning, I did a particularly good job and slept in until 9am!
Unfortunately, we had Sing and Sign at 10am. I changed his nappy, changed his clothes, gave him his milk, gave him his breakfast, had my morning All-Bran to keep things moving, had a wash, got dressed, did make up and hair and changed another nappy, put his coat on and strapped him in the car, all in 1 hour - just call me Wonder Mummy! Chickie was super sweet today and for the first time, seemed a little independent. He's a sensitive soul and usually takes a little while to adapt to a new situation but this morning he was off, smiling and happy.
Met up with my mummy friends this afternoon. We all met at antenatal class where we were led to believe that labour was an empowering, planable experience. We've continued to meet weekly, post-birth, to counsel each other. Anyway, Chickie had a nice play with his girlfriends (he's always surrounded by women!) There's usually 8 of us but today only 4.
Other news.. spent half an hour trying to explain to my, less than computer literate, sister how to type in my web address. It transpired, 25 minutes later, she didn't know what a hyphen was!
Gammy checked out my new blog and has kindly informed me that warm water on cotton wool applied to botty area is something they do to kittens to stimulate pooing if they are motherless, as mummy cats normally lick this area (in that case, I think we'll stick with the prunes!)
I have to go now as I'm very, very excited as, "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here" has started. Must watch, love, love, love it.
Other images from today: Sydney Smoking her Breadstick and Poff ensuring no other baby gets a look in on the breadstick front
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