25 November 2006

There's Something About Lizzie

Another cushy day. The nephews were packed off first thing and Accountant assumed Chickie maintenance duties whilst I lay in. Glam-Nan and Snowy then took out The Chick whilst I went out for lunch with Gammy and Accountant went off to watch the footie.

Gammy has requested a name change and has pre-approved “Gambogini” as she thinks Gammy sounds horrible despite my calling her it for the last 5 years.

The photo has come through from the photographer for the paper. I showed it to Gambogini and she said my hair looked like Cameron Diaz’s. I thought that was rather nice, until she added, “in that film, There’s Something About Mary”. Yes, thanks GAMMY.

Talking of hair. Whilst sipping our cappuccinos this afternoon, Gambogini started staring at my neck and then kindly informed me that I had a really long hair growing out of it. She then spent half an hour pointing to her neck to show me where it was in relation to my own neck. I then spent the same half an hour going, "Here? Where? Got it, no. Here?" It was a bit of a Jason Donavan / David Gest moment where they plucked each others nose hairs after knowing each other a day. After five years of friendship, I was left to fend for myself.

We got soaked on the way home and my 5ft 10” friend is now sat wearing my 5ft 4” trousers. She looks lovely.

Have to go now as X-Factor and I'm a Celebrity await. Yippee.

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