18 July 2007

Creative What?

As my old neighbour, Mr P., handed me a copy of his latest book, "From Darkness to Light", I wondered whether I should mention I was 31 years behind on my philosophy reading.

As I glimpsed at the back page and read his closing paragraph, "And so it is that my substance is not, and yet it is in this that I am not, that I who am not must Be" I thought it best to keep to myself that I'd once forgotten how old I was and that, up until a few days ago, had thought Labradoodles were comedy pets.

Perhaps it was the gormlessness of my expression that encouraged him to seek out my thoughts on 'Life Essence' and 'Creative Consciousness'. Unfortunately for me, no matter how hard I tried, Mr P. would not be steered toward my favourite topics of weight loss, chocolate and the uselessness of men, opting instead for politics, spirituality and the arts, using words like, 'untrammelled universality' and 'self-agrandisement'.

I had nothing intelligent to say when I lived next door and things have only deteriorated since. However, I nodded and 'hmmm'd' in all the right places and then off we went.

Whilst not the best philosophy student he's ever had, I think Mr P. quite enjoyed hearing all about Chickie's bowel movements and how, after a long and difficult search, I've finally found the most delightfully fragranced fabric conditioner money can buy.

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