Sit Still and Be Quiet
Every once in a while, I’m prone to the odd bit of sop or, occasionally, I go the other way and delight my friends and family with some much appreciated sarcasm. I usually find that popping an Evening Primrose Oil each morning goes a long way to regulating my temperament but, should I miss one, things can get a little uncomfortable for my loved ones.
Sister and Gambogini had kindly taken it upon themselves to point out to me that my temperament has been slightly ‘aggressive’ of late whilst Accountant prefers the term, ‘vile’.
I saw no problem with my clear explanation to Gambogini last night that when I invited her round to watch the X-Factor Final, I meant ‘WATCH’ not speak, snigger, fidget, laugh, joke with Accountant and I would actually like to hear Leona’s performance not the Accountant/Gambogini ‘Let’s Annoy Liz’ Double-Act Show.
Since having Chickie, I have suffered the most embarrassing of prodding in all the cosy areas one generally prefers to keep tucked into some artfully elasticated or padded underwear. It seems that the conclusion may be drawing that the problem could be hormone related.
I therefore felt I had an excellent defence for my behaviour and all subsequent conduct should be excused. Unbelievably, this argument didn’t evoke any sympathy from the newly formed Gambogini/Accountant duo who just sat glaring at me, shaking their heads in joint disappointment, appalled by my X-Factor tantrum.
In contrast to yesterday’s more assertive mood, today found me back to my usual fluffy, patriotic self. My disposition further enhanced by the appearance of sunshine which is always a rare treat on this grey, drab and soggy island I’m stranded on.
Meerkat, Meerkat’s Dad, LucyWucy and The Poff joined us for an afternoon stroll down the prom. I love family days spent by the seaside. I don’t know why or how but they epitomise everything I love about mummyhood. That’s Chick and Poff just before they started throwing the pebbles at each other’s heads.
The boys then went off to the pub to watch football, popping my sentimental “Little House on the Prairie” bubble. LucyWucy, babies and I went back home and spent quality time in the best £20 I ever spent.
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